1 Acquire Palm Beach
[28] – Unable to communicate with server. Timeout was reached

Array ( [version_number] => 478209 [age] => 8 [features] => 29345693 [ssl_version_number] => 0 [version] => 7.76.1 [host] => x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu [ssl_version] => OpenSSL/3.2.2 [libz_version] => 1.2.11 [protocols] => Array ( [0] => dict [1] => file [2] => ftp [3] => ftps [4] => gopher [5] => gophers [6] => http [7] => https [8] => imap [9] => imaps [10] => ldap [11] => ldaps [12] => mqtt [13] => pop3 [14] => pop3s [15] => rtsp [16] => scp [17] => sftp [18] => smb [19] => smbs [20] => smtp [21] => smtps [22] => telnet [23] => tftp ) [ares] => [ares_num] => 0 [libidn] => 2.3.0 [iconv_ver_num] => 0 [libssh_version] => libssh/0.10.4/openssl/zlib [brotli_ver_num] => 16777225 [brotli_version] => 1.0.9 )